
" Bessie "

Basmati Melle Dulcior

Bernese mountaindog, bitch, lived 2016-11-28 – 2022-04-21

Best Of Group 2
Best Of Group 3
European Clubwinner 2021
SHKME Winner of the year 2019

Litters from Bessie:



sire: Venyim Gyöngye Joint | DOB: 2021-03-26

Milbu Bold as Bear

Arin Melle Dulcior

Berningtons Widunder

Milbu Beatrix

Kappahegyi Follow Me

Basanti Alpejska Krania Szczescia

Berner Ranchen’s Baron Otto
Berningtons Yuba Yubalong

Warre Diesel v.’t Rijkenspark
Milbu Toska

Xander’s Hill Harlequin Scooby Doo
Barunka Moravian Hurricane

Chuck Tanais
River Island Kropla Nadziei